Co-branding: Cooperation between companies makes consumers happy
When a washing machine manufacturer recommends a certain laundry detergent, or a kitchen appliances company promotes a particular brand of pizza, everyone benefits: the co-branding partners and the consumer.
We often recommend such win-win situations. This is typical of how we think and do everything for our clients’ success.
MLS Advertising pioneered co-branding in the German market. We’ve already set up more than 25 high-profile marketing matches.

We speak Asian
Our agency is based in Düsseldorf, a city known as home to the second largest cluster of Japanese companies outside of Asia. How do we inspire companies from the Land of the Rising Sun? By inviting them to the old town area for a sausage and a beer? No. Our agency manager learned to speak Japanese. This impressed Japanese companies so much, they decided to let us handle their brands – including Mazda, JVC, Epson, Bridgestone, Yamaha, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsui, Toshiba, and Honda.
Not only Japanese companies trust MLS Advertising. We have been supporting Korea’s LG Electronics Inc. in all aspects of marketing communication for nearly 20 years.