Drive safer with ORDERLY®
In millions of trunks, forces are at play: when you accelerate powerfully or brake quickly, everything flies around. The result: dents in the sheet metal, breakage, and therefore annoyance and frustration. Secure and stow your valuable cargo in the trunk of your car with the ORDERLY® luggage fixation.
Whether it’s a shopping basket, laptop, toolbox, drinks crates, flower pots, birthday cakes, shopping bags or suitcases: thanks to its special Velcro layer, ORDERLY® quickly and easily secures and stows your valuable cargo on the felt floor of your trunk.
Secure your load with the ORDERLY® luggage fixation. Whether in the trunk or footwell: the practical luggage securing system prevents your items from slipping, tipping over and possibly even from damage.
The ORDERLY® plastic padding secures even heavy items of luggage, which can become a risk during dynamic driving maneuvers, with impressive ease.